How to Set Up Your Proposal to Invoice Workflow to Protect Your Cash and Free Up Time
From frustrated, inconsistent, and unsure if you are doing the right thing, always feeling like you are short on cash to a systematic approach full of ease and clarity.
Our guess is that when you started your interior design biz you had no idea how complicated it would be to get paid! Over our time working with interior designers it has become such a consistent pain point for our clients that we knew we had to do something to help.
The Designers Method Course is designed for you if you feel overwhelmed, unsure, frustrated, or hesitant about your proposal → invoice workflow.
The Overview : Understanding what we are trying to achieve + why it’s so important to the financial health of your business
The Proposal - how to set-up your proposal as a visual representation of the exact items or types of specific product you will buy giving your client a glimpse of your vision and excitement about the project
The Deposit - how to collect deposits from your client once the proposal is approved
The Procurement Process - what are the exact steps you should be taking to make sure you track your purchasing history by job without becoming completely overwhelmed, or worse, missing something and failing to get reimbursed/paid by your client
The Actual Invoice - the how + when of moving items from the proposal to an invoice
The Reconciliation at the end of the project - taking the initial deposit and applying it against invoice.
Where the PO fits into all of this
The Recap/Quick and Dirty Replay